WHO QualityRights Training Webinar: The road towards zero coercion mental health services - real world examples
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Join WHO’s Policy, Law and Human Rights Unit, on March 22, 2024, from 15:00 to 16:30 CET for its kick-off training webinar, exploring non-coercive mental health services. Learn about how these services operate and the strategies they employ to foster responsive, person-centered care and support. Hear about how they navigate challenging situations without resorting to coercion, and with a steadfast commitment to promoting respect for the dignity, autonomy, and rights of people using the services.

Featured speakers from:
1. Gerstein Crisis Service, Canada: Gain insights into their innovative approach to crisis intervention.
2. Heidenheim Hospital Service, Germany: Discover the unique strategies employed in a hospital setting

Register here: https://lnkd.in/ejpeSSKV 
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Programa finançat per la iniciativa d’Ocupació Juvenil i el Fons Social Europeu amb un cofinançament del 91,89%.


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Registre de Grups d’Interès de l’Administració de la Generalitat i del Sector Públic. Número d’indicador 315.

Registre municipal d’entitats (Ajuntament de Girona) amb el número EH3234.

Cens d’Entitats de Voluntariat de Catalunya 001907-000.

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