What we do

What we do

  • Provides legal and social support by providing assistance in the processes of social inclusion for persons with disabilities (such as psychosocial, intellectual, and cognitive impairment, among others), which are designated by either the court or the individuals themselves through an assistance mechanism or a power of attorney.
  • Provides support and safeguards in order to prevent abuse of human rights while trying to respect the will and preferences of the people being assisted as much as possible based on social work strategies and intensive support.
  • Exercises legal proceedings before the courts and tribunals of any order and jurisdiction in defence of the human rights of the people being assisted.
  • Offers counselling service aimed at entities, specialists, and individuals, as well as the Provident Service for Future Support, which aims to anticipate the future needs of either the disabled people themselves or their family. Neither of these two services is publicly funded.
  • Supports the defence, promotion, and development of human rights. To do so, it analyses the situation of each person, gives advice to their relatives, promotes the improvement of their quality of life, and encourages their effective and complete inclusion in the community.
  • Promotes services and equipment necessary to develop these goals.
  • Encourages society awareness and cooperation with public and private authorities, bodies, and organisations in order to support persons with disabilities.

It takes part in the recruitment of young people benefiting from the Youth Guarantee Programme in Catalonia, in accordance with Order TSF/115/2018 of 12 July.

The programme is financed by the Youth Employment initiative and the European Social Fund, with a co-financing of 91.89%.


Foundations Register 1817. Register Department of Work, Social Affairs, and Families of the Government of Catalonia S05710.

Support-Girona is registered in the Register of Interest Groups of the Catalan Government Administration and the Public Sector. Identification number 315.

Municipal Register of Entities (Girona City Council) with number EH3234.

Census of Voluntary Entities of Catalonia 001907-000.