Director of the Supported Decision-Making New York (SDMNY) project at Hunter College CUNY, where she leads New York’s efforts to develop infrastructure and raise awareness of Supported Decision-Making (SDM) as a legally recognised alternative to guardianship. She is a nationally recognised leader in disability services and advocacy, working to build more inclusive communities, advance rights, and promote self-determination and empowerment for people with disabilities. She is also an author, a mother of six, and a captivating speaker. She holds an MSEd in Special Education and Transition from the University of Kansas.

foto ponent

It takes part in the recruitment of young people benefiting from the Youth Guarantee Programme in Catalonia, in accordance with Order TSF/115/2018 of 12 July.

The programme is financed by the Youth Employment initiative and the European Social Fund, with a co-financing of 91.89%.


Foundations Register 1817. Register Department of Work, Social Affairs, and Families of the Government of Catalonia S05710.

Support-Girona is registered in the Register of Interest Groups of the Catalan Government Administration and the Public Sector. Identification number 315.

Municipal Register of Entities (Girona City Council) with number EH3234.

Census of Voluntary Entities of Catalonia 001907-000.