Dignified Lives,
a Human Rights Issue
7:30-8:00 h Morning Prayer Laudes (Optional)
9:30-10:00 h Official Welcome
Mònica Martínez Bravo, Minister of Social Rights and Inclusion, Government of Catalonia.
Father Manel Gasch i Hurios, Abbot of the Monastery of Santa Maria de Montserrat.
Pere Cornellà Valls, President of the Board of Trustees of the Support-Girona Foundation.
10:00-11:00 h Keynote Speech: The Evolution of Human Rights: From Violation to Recognition.
Moderator: Josep Maria Solé i Chavero, General Director of the Support-Girona Foundation.
Speaker: Facundo Chávez Penillas, Human Rights lawyer specializing in disability rights.
11:00-11:15 h Coffee Break.
11:15-12:45 h Panel discussion: Capacity and autonomy: a challenged right in Mental Health.
Moderator: Víctor Aparicio Basauri, Psychiatrist, MD, PhD.
- Claudi Camps Garcia, Director of Mental Health and Addictions Network of Girona Counties, Institut d’Assistència Sanitària.
- Cecilia Gómez-Salvago Sánchez, Member of the Spanish Bioethics Committee and Professor of Civil Law at the University of Seville.
- Tina Minkowitz, Human rights lawyer with expertise on the CRPD, and a survivor of psychiatric institutionalization.
- Carlos Manuel Peña Salazar, Psychiatrist and neurologist. Research Lead in Mental Health and Intellectual Disability. Parc Hospitalari Sant Joan de Déu.
- Beatriz Pérez Pérez, Research Officer at ActivaMent Catalunya Associació, Ph.D. in Person and Society from the Autonomous University of Barcelona.
- Bernabé Robles del Olmo, Neurologist. Coordinator of the Bioethics Unit at Parc Sanitari Sant Joan de Déu. Member of the Standing Committee of the Bioethics Committee of Catalonia.
13:00-13:30 h Salve and Virolai Prayer (Optional)
13:30-15:00 h Lunch
15:00-17:00 h Workshops
- Work (Labora). Led by Núria Martínez Barderi, Director of the Drissa Foundation.
- Education (Lege). Led by Josep Tresserras Basela, Executive Director of Som-Fundació. Postgraduate in Management and Direction of Social Services. Degree in Geography and History. Ph.D. in Theology.
- The Importance of Language (Ora). Led by Inma Gómez, Technical Director of COCARMI (Catalonia). Social Worker. Postgraduate in Conflict Resolution. Postgraduate in Couple and Family Studies.
- Community (Rege et Communitate). Led by Sílvia Simoes, Head of the Person Care Area at the Support-Girona Foundation.
Evening Activities (optional)
17:30 h Visit to the Virgin Mary (Moreneta)
18:45 h Vespers Prayer
Hike to Montserrat Mountain - The Path of the Degotalls
FRIDAY 14/03/2025
7:30-8:00 h Morning Prayer Laudes (Optional).
09:00-11:00 h Keynote Speech: Enabling supports for Lives Worth Living.
- Moderator: Josep Maria Solé i Chavero, General Director of the Support-Girona Foundation.
- Thomas Bignal, Secretary General of EASPD (European Association of Service Providers for Persons with Disabilities).
- Naomi Brickel, Project Director for Supported Decision-Making New York (SDMNY)
- General Directorate of Personal Autonomy and Disability, Government of Catalonia.
- Victoria Monell Renart, Managing Director of FMMC and President of the Encaix Association.
- F. Torcuato Recover Balboa, Lawyer and Legal Advisor of Plena Inclusión Andalucía and the LIBER association.
11:00-11:30 h Coffee Break.
11:30h-13:00 h Panel Discussion: Personal Experiences in Community Support.
- Moderator: Margarida Saiz Lloret, spokesperson for the Independent Living Movement of Garraf.
- Xevi Benzal Ventura, communication Team Professional at the Drissa Foundation.
- Xavier Orno Latre, evaluator and Quality Certificate Consultant for Disability Organizations at Plena Inclusión. Trainer at Dincat.
- Thierry Noël, expert by experience at UDAF 82 Montauban in Occitania. Departmental Union for Family Support. Member of Capdroits.
- Stephanie Wooley, member of the EDF Council (European Disability Forum). Alternate Member of the ENUSP Council (European Network of (Ex-) Users and Survivors of Psychiatry). Director of the Advocacy-France Association’s International Relations Council.
13:00-13:30 h Closing Remarks of the Sessions
13:30 h Closing Ceremony.
Josep Rull i Andrés, President of the Parliament of Catalonia.
17:45 h Visit to the Museum
Hike up to Montserrat Mountain - The Path of the Degotalls (without accessibility measures).