Global, flexible and individual support

Erasmus+ project 2018-1-FR01-KA204-047834. This is a cooperation project for innovation and exchange of good practices relating to the supported decision-making process involving persons with disabilities, the search for professional skills, and the definition of a European network. This project is led by URAF Occitania, France, with the participation of the Arnau d'Escala Campus Foundation and Support-Girona, representing Catalonia, along with entities from Germany, Slovakia, Luxembourg, and those supporting the URAF family of Occitania and the training centre UNAFOR.
From guardianship to supported decision-making services for persons with disabilities
AD-Choisir has the ambition to contribute to the dynamics of adapting the professional practices of the social sector according to the new human rights approach established by the International Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) which concerns the social inclusion of supported persons and how professional services and practices should respect their wishes and preferences. Therefore, AD-Choisir aims to establish a reference framework for support that consists of social services workers and volunteers.
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