Josep Tresserras Basela
Managing Director of Som-Fundació. Postgraduate degree in Social Services Management and Administration. Degree in Geography and History. PhD in Theology.
Managing Director of Som-Fundació. Postgraduate degree in Social Services Management and Administration. Degree in Geography and History. PhD in Theology.
Spokesperson for the Independent Living Movement of Garraf. Social Worker.
Lawyer and legal advisor for Plena Inclusión Andalucía and the LIBER association. Author and contributor to various books on psychology and law, related to intellectual disability.
Evaluator and quality certification advisor for disability organisations at Plena Inclusión. He is a trainer at DINCAT and has been a member of the advisory council at the Estructura de Drets Humans de Catalunya (Catalonia’s Human Rights Structure).
Human rights activist and advocate.
Human Rights lawyer specialising in the CRPD and a survivor of psychiatric institutionalisation. She actively participated in drafting the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) and continues to contribute to its interpretation and implementation.
Technical Director of COCARMI (Catalonia). Social worker. Postgraduate studies in Conflict Resolution and in Couple and Family Therapy. Her professional career has been linked for 20 years to the social third sector and the social and solidarity economy. Among other roles, she has advised organisations for people with disabilities on their management and political advocacy at the local level, organised events, and facilitated various working groups and participatory spaces.
Member of the Spanish Bioethics Committee and Professor of Civil Law at the University of Seville. Judge at the Civil Chamber of the Provincial Court of Seville (1999-2003).
Historian. Communication team professional at Fundació Drissa. He has first-hand lived experience in mental health and is involved in several projects run by the organisation. These include the Digital Agents initiative, which aims to reduce the digital divide among people in the community, and Entre Iguals, where he draws on his experience to provide support for the recovery of individuals facing mental health challenges.
Secretary General of EASPD (European Association of Service Providers for Persons with Disabilities), the largest European NGO active in the field of disability services, bringing together over 20,000 organisations from more than 40 countries. Thomas Bignal is also Vice President of Social Services in Europe and has served as Director of the Federation of European Social Employers. Master’s degree in International Law.
It takes part in the recruitment of young people benefiting from the Youth Guarantee Programme in Catalonia, in accordance with Order TSF/115/2018 of 12 July.
The programme is financed by the Youth Employment initiative and the European Social Fund, with a co-financing of 91.89%.
Foundations Register 1817. Register Department of Work, Social Affairs, and Families of the Government of Catalonia S05710.
Support-Girona is registered in the Register of Interest Groups of the Catalan Government Administration and the Public Sector. Identification number 315.
Municipal Register of Entities (Girona City Council) with number EH3234.
Census of Voluntary Entities of Catalonia 001907-000.